I am thinking of a Chanel inspired jacket. I have borrowed a Metropolitan Museum art collection book about Chanel from the library, which has beautiful, detailed photographs, and I have this pattern, V7975.

I am thinking of view B, with the pockets moved - The boxy Chanel look does not suit me at all, so I expect to use those princess seams to change the shape a lot. The major problem for me is that the instructions for this pattern are not for a quilted Chanel style jacket. I do not really know where to start finding alternate instructions, but they must be somewhere on the internet.
Good plan. I have the Claire Schaeffer Chanel jacket pattern, so if you want to "borrow" the instructions let me know.
I have made this pattern. I don't wear jackets generally and am pleased with the wear I have got from this one...looks good just with jeans. Both Threads and Sew Stylish magazines have covered quilted jackets...let me know if you want me to photocopy the instructions and send to you. About the pattern...one of the reviewers at pattern review pointed out that the pattern is drafted for shoulder pads but the pattern does not give instructions for them. I didn't do my usual square shoulder adjustment and then left out shoulder pads...in the end I couldn't decide but it might be worth checking at the muslin / tissue fitting stage.
Oh, I like that pattern. both the red one and the pink one (but no tie). Maybe I should try a jacket - after my GCSA coat is done.
Bonjour Karen,
Here is one good reference for your Chanel Jacket.
I am looking forward seeing your jacket.
Best regards,
Anne from Montreal.
Nice jacket. What exactly is a SWAP?
Nice Jacket.
What exactly is a SWAP?
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