My experimentation with nylon backed merino knit not only gave me leggings destined for cold weather running and a 70's style jacket, but considerable left-overs.
It occurred to me at the time that a second,longer jacket, would be more
I started with Ottober 05-2011-6, suitably named "Saturday Chilling"

I constructed most of this garment quite quickly, until I decided to add a decorative inner zip tape cover of bias binding to disguise the interfacing I fused to minimize zip application angst, and the weather warmed up considerably.
It sat on Genevieve my dress form until I started packing for our trip outback, and decided that it would be perfect for camping - nights can be cold out there at this time of year. I finished off the hand sewing in the car ;)
I was right about the usefulness of this garment, wearing this garment nearly every evening and early morning whilst we were away, and finding it just the right weight and warmth for Spring out west, but my photographs are not quite up to scratch. (It co-ordinates with my leggings perfectly, but you do not need to see them again - I wore them mostly as pyjamas)
Here is a dawn shot, at Bangladore National Park (great bird and macropod watching), and an early evening shot (it was getting chilly, don't believe that blue sky) outside Winton.

I prefer the location shots without the jacket.

However, despite its sartorial shortcomings, the jacket is a useful piece, and the pattern was good.
Ottobre garments are all too long on me. The jacket cut out to the pattern finished at the top of my thighs, which is rather widening to my figure. This time I lengthened the jacket by applying a non-gathering contrast band, so that it finishes at mid thigh. (This will also make it a suitable length for wearing over my swimming costume pre and post swim, should I swim in the cooler parts of the day)

I did not have a sufficiently long zip, so have chosen to leave the band unfastened rather than the neck end.
I liked Ottobre's finishing method of the pocket - adding a knit binding.

I thought this not only looked good, but added some much needed stability to the edge by allowing me to use the scraps of the good quality grey merino to support the super stretchy and thin maroon fabric. As I had found it so useful at the pocket, I chose to also finish the neck seam before adding the hood, and to bind the edge of the hood (made single layer in defiance of the instructions) in the same fabric - techniques not included in the pattern.

I used a coverstitch for topstitching, fiddling about with both the chain stitch and a narrow 2 needle stitch, both methods working nicely on this fabric.
My favourite addition, which also led to a term of UFOness as described earlier, is the bias binding covering the zip tape.

Overall, I feel that this jacket is almost at silk purse (well, maybe a knit purse) from sow's ear status in usefulness and general appearance. Unfortunately, the not-so-terrific quality of the maroon nylon backed merino was worth exactly the $8NZ per metre that I paid ( Global Fabrics,Dunedin, January this year) , and is already showing signs of early disintegration.
Amazing. The finish on the pocket is definitely going to keep the shape.
Having a jacket as lovely as this is a great go-to piece.
And of coure, it's a beautiful colour on you.
Pity the merino quality is so poor, but in the meantime you have a very versatile jacket that looks fantastic on you.
Love the outback photos.
it is a pity that the merino is not good quality. Usually anything merino is very expensive and usually lasts well. I wish global fabrics would open up here again. It fell down in the earthquake and they never reopened.
I always think of merino as a high quality wool. It never would have dawned on me that it could be on the poor side as well. Just goes to show, you always have to be careful. Shame as the jacket turned out well and looks very practical. I hope it wears better than you expect.
Lovely scenery pictures!
what a shame about the merino quality, but the jacket looks fabulous
What a handy looking jacket. Shame about the quality of the merino. I love all the little contrasting features - looks very RTW.
You have made sports wear into an artform. Love the contrasting bands.
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