So, I am not posting about everything else I made in December.
I came to this decision whilst cleaning my sewing room, which is not fun. There are only so many not fun things I am prepared to do on any one day off from work.
This tidying job I do not undertake very often, because I love aquiring sewing supplies and am very bad about disposing of them, so the very small room tends to become, well, a little crowded.
In fact, during the latter part of November, I was trying to use up the ubiquitous remnants that are too big to throw out but not really big enough to make any garment you like, which are the part of my fabric collection which is the most likely to become overwhelming.
I joined this thread at Stitchers' Guild, which was quite bad for me, as all these ladies seem to have fabric weaknesses at the same level as my own, and it was rather enabling (Michael's cotton shirting bundle in December anyone?)
I made a few aprons for my nieces for part of their Christmas present, but seem to have lost the photo.
I made a skirt, then another apron, which you have seen already.
It didn't make much of a dent in the burdensome section of my stash.
I need my stash. Last year I sewed up about 151metres of fabric (I was keeping records), and 3 leather skins, and only one project (oh,la-la leggings) was a buy-fabric-and-pattern then make within the month. (I then used the rest of the fabric for 2 more pieced garments). If I didn't have a stash, it would be very difficult for me to sew, so I don't want to get rid of it all, I just need to manage it better.
Because I needed a little diversion from tidying my sewing room, I did a little necessary blog reading and came across Katie's post, a fabric appreciative and non wasteful approach that resonated with me, and which lead me to the awesome graphic and monthly themed challenges at Cation Designs.
What a good idea.
I will show you the January stash busting projects so far, which fortunately fit perfectly with the monthly theme
January: Itty Bits! Sew up those remnants left over from another
project, use up some of those tiny scraps that you've been
long as it's less than a yard of fabric, it counts! -
The apronathon.
Each apron uses two or three fabrics, with less than a metre of each (my stash is mostly in metric, so you will have to excuse the extra 9 cm I am allowing myself for this challenge). They are my own non patterns, because making an apron is ridiculously easy and I like winging it better than tracing out patterns for this sort of thing. I do not want to make things just to use up my fabrics, and all the current household aprons are in a state of stained raggedness, and my 17 year old daughter is about to move out of home (sob) into a flat in Brisbane, and is under strict intructions not to mess up her nice new wardrobe for University (I must be a controlling mother), so needs some aprons as well. (What do you mean, 2 minute noodles do not create cooking stains? Surely you will be cooking lots of nutritious meals in all your spare time....)

(That other thing is a stashbusting plastic bag holder)

The last apron is reversible.
My goals for 2013 are
1: To use 3 pieces of stash fabric per month, with all garments being useful and considered sewing.(So January is done already, yay)
2.To sew some of my "precious" fabric into actual garments, instead of just patting it every few months.
3. To immediately dispose of non adult sized garment sized remants that in total, do not fit into a single grocery bag.
4. My acquistion restriction is to buy no more fabric than I sew in 2013.
In a cunning plan, I have convinced my younger daughter to use up some of my scraps as well. She has made herself several collars using the crafty section from Burda.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is why I find it so difficult to throw away scraps - that collar is made from viyella my mother in law bought about 40 years ago, and gave to me about 10 years ago. I then used most of it 5 years later.

At least that collar should be the last of it!
Love the aprons, wear one all the time when I cook so need to make some. I'm trying to be good stash busting but a new Chanel inspired jacket is not helping!
Awww! Yes, you have to have a stash!! You've made me feel better about mine. Love the story of that piece of fabric.
That bottom photo is just gorgeous. And I hear you on musing about using up your stash and the painful clean up of your sewing room. I've been having a lot of the same experiences.
Kbenco, that thread at SG has got me stash busting 10 yards of fabric in 2 months.. I used to count only finished products, which were not much and that as very depressing..
Now I count by the yards I use up - muslin and what not and that has changed my perspective about cutting into fabrics.
I love the aprons you made... And I also found some of the pajamas you made your kids, years ago and they are so darling cute!!! The giraffe one was my fave, the lion came right close. My 6 yr old loved those and asked me if I could make her a cat pajamas(!) after drooling at those that you made.
Best wishes for the stash busting sewalong!!
I really want to stash bust; it's almost criminal to shift the same bundle of fabric from one end of the country and then BACK AGAIN!! I love your aprons. I use aprons all the time, in fact I find I use them to wipe my hands as well as protect my clothes. I have toyed with the idea of putting a button or loop on the front to attach a small towel that I could wipe my hands on, rather than the actual apron. I'll look into this come the weekend. I've never recorded what I use or what I buy, but maybe I should. You've got my mind working now ...
You have a great eye for colour. These are lovely aprons.
You have been busy... the most stash busting I have done is hankies from a top that I need to finish! I love your aprons and I agree with Velosewer that you have a great eye for fabric. Boo hop about your daughter moving... must be hard.. how exciting for her! She won't have an excuse for getting any muck on her work wardrobe now!
Lovely aprons. It is one thing to stash bust but you have created something that will get used as well. I can understand perfectly about holding on to the viyella - it is precious fabric . I have kept some vintage silk and some mickey mouse satin remnants that are smaller than the size of a ladies hanky ! I don`t know why - I can never use it for anything but I just love the fabric.
You've got me thinking about my own stash and how to best approach 2013. I'd feel lost without my cupboard of fabric but also feel pressure(from within myself) to use it, so there is room for the next round. Are you willing to share what the postage on a Michael's bundle to Australia works out to be?
Thanks for your thoughts on stash. I've been trying to think of it as my resource centre. I'm out doing things more these days, and therefore sewing less.
Love those aprons, especially the reversible one! 3 stash items a month is a good goal--I have no doubt you'll succeed!
You had some beautiful fabrics in your stash but I'm glad to see them put to good use. How delightful to see an already used cotton brought to life again.
Cute aprons!
Love your aprons, that is a great stash busting idea! We wear them a lot too. Good Luck with next months challenge, I can't wait to see everyones creations.
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