This weekend I actually made something suitable to wear in my climate. It is, however, not suitable in any other way, being a garment obviously designed for a tall, young woman, with a slender bosom. It is also designed to be worn over a swimming costume, whilst displaying most of the swimming costume and its contents.
I made a few changes, being neither young, slender of bosom nor intending to wear this over a swimming costume. It is possible that I did not make quite enough changes and continuing readers do so at their own risk.

There, that wasn't as bad as you were thinking, was it?
This "improvement" has 2 main sources.
1. I raised the neckline (can something that low be a neckline?) and made a FBA.
I strongly suspect that the original bodice was drafted for a scanty A.

2. I sewed the cups, bridge and some of the sides of a bra that had strap ageing issues to the wrong side of the bodice lining. I would have taken a photo of this construction addition for posting purposes, but I did it last night and it was too dark.
Other fitting changes included, unfortunately, taking up the straps at the shoulder by 1 inch post construction, something I should have predicted, and using every skerrick of my seam allowance at the centre back waist - highly unusual for me, as I usually need to take in the waist for Burda.
You can see from the horrible wrinkly look at the straps and empire band that I failed to interface sufficiently, or indeed, at all. I do not think this is really a problem compared to the other issues keeping this dress inside the house, as having no interfacing makes the dress even less warm to wear. The fabrics are cotton voile and cotton shirting.
The back of this sundress is rather daring (for me).

I could not do up the tie by myself, which also makes it rather impractical.
However, I think it will serve its purpose admirably.

Perfect for lying in the hammock, now where is that long cool drink?
Very interested in your method for raising the neckline. I find Burda a little risque at times. Love the back of the dress and the fabric is very cheery.
Since I am wilting away from the heat in my SEQ home, I am appreciating that your dress would be very comfortable indeed today, especially lying in a hammock on a verandah (hopefully catching the breeze).
Thanks for reminding me that I can raise the neckline too -something to keep in mind when i am browsing my pattern magazine collection.
Fantastic!!!!! (I am reading this wearing my fleece pyjamas!)
Knowing full well what it's like up there at this time of year, I think this is the perfect dress for cool comfort. I really like it.
I love the colours on you - very fresh and bright. I think you've done a great job on that bodice - I always loved the look of the dress but being similar in the front area, never made it up. Nice adaptation ... went to Karrawa beach today for a swim..... just beautiful. I love this time of year.
I think this dress is probably my most favourite thing I've seen you in. The style is so flattering and the colours give you a real lift. I absolutely LOVE the back. Such a perfect casual, yet stylish dress. You'll definitely draw attention in this one.
I feel cooler just looking at you post! Perfectly summery!
I have not met a Burda pattern that didn't have a plunging neckline. Your adjustments worked perfectly and you have a great hot weather dress.
So pretty- will you make a follow up?
Ooh, I like the back! It is a little daring, but really fun for super hot weather. I think this is the perfect dress for a stroll on the beach (or lying around in a hammock :) Very pretty!
Great idea to sneak some support into the front - it's a wonderful dress and you look great in it.
Burda's plunging necklines are such a mystery to me. I've been to Germany a few times and while their attitudes to flesh exposure are quite "European" - not uncommon to see naked sun bathers in the park in a big city like Berlin - I really did not see a lot of plunging necklines going about their daily business.
In Eastern Europe I did see a lot of butt cheeks hanging out of super short shorts. I found that more surprising than vast amounts of cleavage on display. Still, I'm glad Burda hasn't gone that direction.
I wonder if anyone from Germany reading this blog can tell us why all the tops are so unfeasibly low? Who wears them, and where?
A perfect dress for the humid weather, and the colours on you look fresh and cool. Another that doesn't like Burda's plunging necklines, and thank you for how you did your adjustment.
Love the lines, and the colors of this dress. What genius to use an older bra for support within the dress.
Where's the wait staff when you need them? I think the dress was originally designed for an OC housewife not a real life one like ourselves. You've done a great job with these real life adjustments. Great fabric choices too.
that dress looks so relaxing( I know terrible English there ) . I think you may have disappointed about half the population though with your changes to the bodice - despite your protestations -you are young! However your version is definitely more wearable and won`t cause any car accidents.
lovely sun-dress!:D
I think the pattern was designed to be a "strut your stuff" at the beach dress, not a coverup. It is the perfect lounging dress, however. I love the print and the colors.
I absolutely love that!!! The low neckline has held me back from making it, but I love your method of raising it. I will have to do that.
I absolutely love that!!! The low neckline has held me back from making it, but I love your method of raising it. I will have to do that.
It's effing freezing here in Stockholm, so the thought of a beach dress just makes me want to run for the hills. However, if I could even imagine a warm veranda, I'd want to be wearing a dress like yours. Unfortunately I cannot and just want to wear a wool coat all the time indoors.
A very good modesty adaption. I like the length but wouldn't it be cooler to wear it shorter?
Mary Nanna, I am from Germany (now in NZ!), and I think burda does not design for most of the German women. I don't know who they design for either. I have the impression they look at France and the runway shows, but not at the women "in the street". Sewists buy other fashion magazines so that they get an idea what they can do with burda.
I really like the sundress, it looks nice on you. I want to make one, too!
I love the last picture of you in the hammock! Great job altering the top. I really like the back of this dress too, and the color is so summery!
Beautiful! I love the open back. Great colors, too.
Beautiful and very classy. Right on trend.
I'll join you for that long cool drink!
I love the back as well, and good job on making the neckline a little less Burda.
Also, per your comment on my blog about the 1912 project - requests for the challenge project were originally being emailed to Janyce Hill. This just came in today from the Facebook group:
"I have created a request form on the blog under Participants>Download Pattern Request. If you've already sent a request to either myself or Janyce, there is no need to send another one. But for any new requests, please use this form."
So maybe you can try there?
This was my first Burda issues. Very nostalgic!
I think you could call that more of a waistline (:
The fabric is delicious and you've definitely made the design wearable.
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